
How we made $14,000 PROFIT in 2 weeks selling used books on Amazon FBA as complete beginners

Posted on June 26th, 2023 

It all started with the desire to travel the world...

Before I dive into this story of how we profited $14,000 in just 2 weeks as young dumb entrepreneurs... Let me take a step back and explain how this all started.

I read a Paulo Coelho book called The Alchemist when I was younger, and one concept he explained in the book stuck with me. Travel is never a matter of how much money you have, it is solely dependent on whether or not you have the desire to travel. 

I wanted to travel. I had no money. So, I searched the internet for different ways to make money online. I had already made some money selling my textbooks in college, so when I saw people were doing this it caught my attention.

I came across 2 YouTubers, Reezy Resells and Caleb Roth, who were demonstrating how you could go into thrift stores and libraries and find underpriced books for $1-2 and flip them on Amazon for $20+.

I became obsessed with learning as much about this business model as possible because it required little money and gave me an excuse to travel. I watched all the bookselling videos and read all the blogs I could find.

One blog just made everything click in my head. Caleb Roth's wrote about how him and his wife went on a road trip and made $5,915 profit in one weekend traveling to a small town in Oklahoma finding books from thrift stores and libraries.

That's when it all came together in my head - my grand plan to travel the world as a "brokie." 

I would live in my 2006 Toyota Corolla and travel cities large and small sourcing books, stopping at some of the most beautiful sites in the world that people often wait their whole lives to see.

Photo of me heading west to live in my car for 3 months while finding books

1000 Miles Later

I was in Arizona when I saw Reezy Resells mention a bookselling conference that was $200. That was a ton of money for me, but I sucked it up and bought my ticket. 

Only had a couple hundred miles left til I reached Los Angeles, the location of the conference. 

To save money, I would eat FREE breakfast at Holiday Inn Expresses and Best Western. Through trial and error I learned those were the hotels that almost always had free breakfast. When they asked how I slept the night before, I would always say "good" (little did they know I was sleeping in my car in a Walmart parking lot... LOL).

Finally I arrived in Los Angeles and walked into the bookselling conference 30 minutes late. 

The only chair available was right next to Caleb Roth, the Youtuber and Blog author I had been following. Talk about luck. 

After seeing dozens of people at the conference sell books on Amazon as a full time gig, it really changed my perception about this whole thing. Maybe this wasn't just some side gig for homeless 20 year olds looking to travel the world on a budget. 

Taking Bookselling to the Next Level

After attending this conference I realized I didn't know diddly squat about selling books on Amazon. 

I started to ramp up the number of books I found each week. 

1. I put library sales in my calendar, researching their locations ahead of time on booksalefinder.comThis tactic alone doubled the number of books I found. 

2. I upped my networking. I then traveled up the coast of California visiting  many of the booksellers for drinks that I met from the bookselling conference.

3. I planned a trip to go to the wealthiest part of the country to source books.

Andrew Gong and I heard that Connecticut was the "Mecca"  of profitable books and we wanted to find out for ourselves. He booked a flight to Portland, Maine, and I drove to the East Coast sleeping at rest stops and truck stops in my car along the way. No money was to be wasted on a bed that could be spent on profitable book inventory.

$14,000 Profit in 14 Days... Our Gameplan

We needed to treat this like a job. Clock in at 9 and be done at 5. Everyone wants Amazon to be "passive" income. Fuck that... we knew this would take hard work. All those fake ads on YouTube and Facebook didn't fool us. We knew what was required. Hustle, sweat, and an intelligent Gameplan. 
We needed to accomplish the following to be successful. 

1. Work 6 days of the week and only take 2 days for fun.

2. We needed to source at least 2000 books if we wanted to get 14,000 profit. That's around $7 net profit per book... completely do-able. 

3. We needed to batch listing. Listing is super time consuming. If we listed books every night, we would be wasting precious time we could have spent finding more profitable books. We followed Tim Ferris's productivity tip to "batch processes".

4. Scan as fast as possible. We used ScoutIQ (an app that looks up prices on Amazon and tells you the profit after Amazon fees.) 

So, we'd only list books when we were completely out of space in my Toyota Corolla (and I can fit a shit load of books in that little car... lol).

With this gameplan, we knew it was just a matter of hard work and hustle. 

How we turned $1 to $10 on repeat

Above is a picture of the app we used to scan books with our phones, ScoutIQ. 

The app factors in the price, all Amazon fees, and the sales velocity on Amazon. It turns green if the app thinks you should buy it and red if the app thinks it's a "dud".

We would scan 2,000+ books everyday. We must have scanned 24,000 books to find the 2,000 books that we ended up selling on Amazon for a profit.

Selling books on Amazon is a numbers game. it's about getting through the bad books as fast as possible. 

As long as we only bought books that turned green, we knew we could expect to sell 80% of the books we purchased. Most Amazon booksellers should expect 20% of their inventory to never sell. 

Pictured above is the most profitable sale we had from the trip. We found a Jewish set for $200 at a New Jersey library sale that all the other booksellers overlooked, and we ended up selling it for $2000 (today the price is $3000+, so maybe we should have been more patient).

Execution of Plan

I picked Andrew Gong up at the airport in Portland, Oregon. It was fucking freezing. I remember taking a cold shower for mental toughness at our Airbnb (Andrew opted to not sleep in my Toyota Corolla with me), and that water was the coldest water I have felt come out of a faucet in my life. 

We knew most of the wealth was from Boston to New York area, so we didn't linger to long in Portland. 

Once we got to Boston it was game over. We went to these small coffee shop/ used bookstores called Boomerang's and they were loaded with profit. 

Saver's thrift stores were a bit annoying to source because the employees would always put stickers over the barcode of the books making it more difficult for us to blaze through them like we could at other locations. But, most people were not willing to do the hard work of manually typing these books in, so we were able to squeeze some profit out of them.

At every thrift store we went to, we found at least one $100 book. It felt unreal. 

We dominated library sales. We would schedule out library sales we saw advertised on and get there an hour early. We were the fastest scanners by far. Because of my reputation on Instagram for being an Amazon FBA bookseller I started to get recognized in the libraries. I felt like a celebrity and got a big head lol. Who knew selling books on Amazon could be so cool.

We were always asking for backroom access. The first thing we did when we walked into a new thrift store was ask for back room access. If we could get access to the backroom, we would have access to books that no other booksellers had scanned already. 


It took several months for all the books to sell, but we eventually realized $14,000 net profit after buy costs. You should expect to sell about 20% of books you have active every month as an Amazon bookseller.

That means if you have 1000 books, you should expect to sell 200 per month. It took about 6 months for us to realize the profit we did, but it was worth it. For 2 young 20 year old's to make $7,000 profit a piece in 2 weeks while traveling the world was enough for us. 

I still will never forget the day that $2000 set of Jewish books sold.... It was only 5 months later, I opened my Amazon seller app and saw $2,000 in sales in 1 day. CRAZY.

Selling books on Amazon opened the door of possibilities for Amazon for me. My Amazon FBA business just cranked out 25k profit for the last 30 days (selling wholesale product).

 It's insane. If you would've told the younger version of me that I'd be cranking out 25k profit months 5 years later, he probably would've believed you. Because faith in yourself is what is required to achieve anything in life. And I had faith because I saw others ahead of me pave the way, and I hope to do that for the reader who read this far in the blog.

You got this... you can achieve anything you set your mind to. If you truly commit and work hard, and give 100% effort to your business, I promise from the bottom of my heart you will get massive results.

If you have comments please leave them below, I respond to all comments. 

Much love,

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