
The myth of selling on Amazon …

Posted on August 14th, 2019 
“I’m taking a day off work Tuesday so I can go scan books at the local thriftstore.” His eyes were filled with determination when he spoke to me about his excitement for his new Amazon FBA business. The type of determination that only comes from the combination having worked a job you hare and a small taste of the American dream - earning a dollar from your own blood, sweat and tears from a business you made. 
The unwavering look of determination wasn’t due to his some weird obsession with used books, or even making money selling used books on Amazon FBA. It was because he knew this was his ticket out. 
His ticket out from working a job he hated. His ticket out from the obligation to clock in and out 5 days with 2 weeks vacation a year. His ticket out from having to slave away for someone else.

The myth …

1. There’s a myth out there that selling on Amazon should be easy. This is probably because of all the hype surrounding Amazon. The Tik Toks, Facebook ads and YouTube ads of 19 year olds driving lambos with “money from Amazon FBA” have half the world thinking Amazon FBA is a complete Ponzi scheme while the other more naive half believe them when they say Amazon is passive income and you can build your business in 3 months.

2. Amazon FBA, on any level, is hard work. And Andrew knew it. He wasn’t bullshitting himself that this journey would be easy. Once you accept that, the fact that it’ll be hard hard work, and you start putting in the hours …. That’s when you see results.

3. Everyone who tells themselves this business model should only take 5 hours of their time each week and somehow make them 10k profit/ mo is delusional. This delusion is caused by a world that sells a fake American dream - building a business without doing the hard work.

If you strip the hard work from the American dream it becomes a lot more appealing, but it’s a fassad. Hard work is the backbone of any business. 

The hustle required to win

Andrew took off work, to work. That’s the kind of hustle you need to have success in this business.

When you’re an amazon fba bookseller, books are no longer books. They’re dollar bills. And all the other booksellers are trying to take those dollar bills from you.

Andrew told me how he would hit up the bins on Saturday’s. He’d show up to library sales early and watch as other Amazon booksellers showed up an hour late. He talked with managers of bookstores and knew what days they were having big sales.

Other booksellers in his city probably believe theirs no opportunity or there just “too much competition”. But for Andrew, he knows he needs to take the opportunity that’s right in front of him.

The dream

Every entrepreneur has the same dream whether they admit it or not. We all want to earn so much money that we never have to work again.

That’s when you win the game. That’s when you walk away from everything you’ve built proud. We’re all striving for that. Will books do that for you? Maybe… I have a few friends who will retire from book money, but they’ve worked extremely hard to be in the position they are in.

Don’t fool yourself, financial freedom will not throw itself on your doorstep. You must be disciplined, diligent, and willing to sacrifice more than you imagined.

Don’t expect your 40 hour a month business to out perform your 160 hour per month 9-5. Treat your business like a job, and you’ll get the results you want.

I say all of this to say Amazon FBA is a huge opportunity but the whole world seems to be looking at it wrong. For some reason we accept that if you want to become a doctor or work your way up America you must work very hard, but when you go to build your Amazon business it should be easy and make more money. LOL. It’s ridiculous. We’re fed this lie by internet marketers and downright scammers and nobody seems to be saying anything about it. Half of the world says scam while the other half starts their business with false expectations of passive income in 3 months.

End rant. Go work hard. Message me if you have questions on any of my social media.


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