
My Amazon Account has been shut down forever...

Posted on August 4th, 2023

Here's what happened...

Last week was, on paper, one of the worst weeks of my life. I arrived to our Costa Rica Amazon Mastermind and received the dreaded email ... you know, the one starting with "Your selling account" ... Then you open it and they tell you you're deactivated for life.

Luckily, I have an incredible network of loyal friends, and truthfully, I have been through worse... so honestly this is a just a bump in the road. 

I'd rather have an account shutdown than have friends or family in the hospital - ANY DAY.

First things first...

A few people have reached out to me, shout out Raiken Profit and Mike the Used Book Guy, that a ton of Amazon sellers are freaking out that their accounts might get shut down too. 

I confirmed with someone who worked for the Amazon Seller Performance team and she said there is no risk of using Go2lister. It will not link my selling account to your selling account. We have 400 users and none of our users have experienced account shut downs due to using the app.

As far as my other business Restricted Inventory goes, you can still send your items to us... My account shutdowns do not affect our service. We have an account that is approved to sell textbooks and thoroughly check for counterfeits. 

My theory of why Amazon went super saiyan on me

This is my theory. Believe it or not, Amazon won't tell me the exact reason why my account is suspended, but I suspect it's because of this:

In October of last year, my friends account was shut down because she got several textbook test buys from the law firm. A test buy is when a brand buys their product from you to see if it's authentic.

She was approved to sell textbooks and my account wasn't, and we were using her account to list commonly restricted textbooks. 

So her account was shutdown for selling a counterfeit book.

Fast forward four months, and my Amazon selling account is suspended for linked to her account. And this is honestly no surprise. I had user permissions access to her account and even logged into her account on my computer at some point. 

So Amazon told me I could get my account back if we got her account back since Amazon essentially considered us the same business.

So, we worked on getting her account back. I called the big scary law firm, the one that does test buys for textbooks to see if they are authentic. They admitted to following me on social media. They knew my YouTube, my website ... everything. I couldn't even attempt to lie to them.

"So we've been watching your YouTube channel..." my heart sunk. "We have several accounts that you're linked to ... " She went on to list 10+ accounts. I only recognized 3 of them. You see, Amazon's algorithm thought I was part of a giant counterfeit ring stealing peoples identities to sell on Amazon and that's why it linked me to so many accounts.

The conversation went on and they continued reading accounts I had no idea existed. One of the accounts was my new Restricted Inventory partner who has been processing textbooks for us. She was happy to know we were sending books to him to process and check for counterfeits because he is part of EPEG Best Practices. Basically, his warehouse and processes have been vetted and approved by the brand to sell Pearson, Cengage, McGraw Hill and the other big publishers so Amazon and the law firm trust him to sell books for

So the law firm was happy that I created a solution for the reselling community to continue selling textbooks without risking the sale of counterfeit books. 

In addition, I agreed to pay the law firm $20,000 and they in return they told Amazon to give me my accounts back. 

Amazon only gave 1 account back, and that was my friends account who was selling textbooks.

They never gave me my two accounts back that were suspended which makes no sense because they were only shut down because my friends account was shut down. 

Keep in mind that all of my Amazon accounts were set up with Amazon's permission, so I never violated Amazon's TOS on that front. But we had an agreement that each account would sell a different category of item, and technically I did violate this as I listed books on all my accounts when capacity limits were bad.


So up until a couple weeks ago, I was selling all of of my wholesale products on my last  Amazon account that I legally set up. But then Amazon randomly decides to deactivate this account, and I believe it was because I had an increase in used book sales. The reason why I have this hunch is when I talked with one Amazon rep, they stated that all the 17 accounts connected to mine sold books. This makes sense because Amazon and the law firm representing the brands have made a huge effort to reduce the number of counterfeit used book sales. 

My theory is that Amazon sees me as a used book counterfeiter, so if any account with my name sells books, they assume I am trying to game the system. 

For people reading this who are in fear of their account being shutdown, don't worry. Every account that has been shut down in relation to me at least had user permission delegate access to my account or vice versa. Again, nothing to do with Go2lister permissions. 

Maybe I should be punished?

Okay, I am going to play devil's advocate. Maybe I should be punished for my actions. Maybe Amazon is using me as an example to the Amazon community to not break the rules..

But what rules exactly?

1. I sold textbooks on my friends account. Anyone who knows anything about the second hand book market they know counterfeits are extremely common and hard to detect. Amazon obviously knows this which is why they do not let new accounts sell textbooks. My point is that the sale of the counterfeit book was not intentional plus my Amazon accounts in my name don't even have the ability to sell these books due to gating thus not making me a threat. If their goal was to stop the sale of counterfeit books, I helped them by creating a solution for that (i.e.

2. I sold the same category across multiple accounts. Is this worthy of eternity in Amazon hell? Literally the only benefit I get from listing the same category across multiple accounts is a bit more space at FBA centers. 

There are countless cases of people drop shipping, submitting FAKE invoices, and even knowingly selling counterfeit goods and getting their accounts reinstated. Look at the two reasons above and let me know if you think that justifies a lifelong ban.

The above two violations I admit to...

But it still makes no sense why Amazon won't give me my accounts back.

The fact is is still in business. If they didn't approve of this model, wouldn't they shut down my business completely? So what is their motive. If it's to prevent me from selling counterfeit books, my accounts can't sell books anyway. All my textbooks need to go through our EPEG approved partner. If it's to prevent me from listing the same category on multiple accounts, just me that. But ...

I'd rather just know... 

I'd rather just know. If I am going to be made an example of what not to do for the Amazon selling community at least tell me what not to do... lol.

I still have no idea behind the real reason for my shut down. I am focusing on all this counterfeit book stuff because that was the root cause for my friends account shutdown that was related to mine... but now Amazon is telling me it's because I have multiple accounts. 

I do have multiple accounts, but I called Amazon to set up approval for the 3 accounts I own. Now I understand they probably consider my friends account my account too, along with 17 other accounts I have no idea exist. 

My friends and family affected

You can have your opinion on everything I mentioned above... But I do think it's pretty messed up they shut down my friends and family's accounts. 

Our accounts are all linked because they either had delegate access to my account or I had delegate access to their account via user permissions. 

Below are the people affected:

My mom. Her account was suspended for being related to mine. She actually appealed and got it back, but then Amazon resuspended her when my last account was shut down. Makes no sense.

My developer got his account shut down too, and this is where a lot of the Amazon community got super paranoid that somehow this was related to Go2lister. Yes, he's my developer for Go2lister, but his Amazon selling account was shut down because he had user permissions access to my account. He used to pack books for me from his house, essentially acting as a prep center, and he would need access to my account to do this. Nothing to do with, but upsetting nonetheless.

My friend Andrew Gong. Some of you remember me and Andrew doing our trip in the Northeast a few years back. Amazon must've linked our accounts together for having user permission access to one another or maybe even using the same wifi, who knows. 

My cousins account is shut down too. He doesn't sell on Amazon anymore so it's not a huge deal, but it was likely because he had user permission access to my account when he used to pack books for me. 

And lastly one of my followers accounts was shut down because he used to have user permission access to my account. He offered a repricing service. 

Moral of story... be very careful who you give user permission access to. It will link their selling account to yours. 

The fact of the matter with this is that Amazon is wrong. Their algorithm suggests one person owns all of these accounts and it couldn't be further from the truth. All of the above people run completely separate businesses, they are just being punished for granting user permissions for one reason or another to yours truly. 

I know I sound like a broken record but user permission access is very different than granting access to a software. If you use Go2lister, or any software for that matter, your account will not be linked to other selling accounts.

What am I going to do?

Honestly, I think this is a blessing in disguise. As an entrepreneur I have a bad habit of focusing on 8 different things at once.

By not having to worry about running an Amazon business I can focus more of my time on growing Go2lister. 

Growing a saas company is a ton of work, and it deserves all my effort. 

Am I done selling on Amazon forever? Probably not... I think Amazon will eventually give me my accounts back when someone actually looks at the case, but until then Amazon thinks I'm shipping boatloads of counterfeit books from India .. lol. If you really think about the whole scenario it's bizarre. None of my personal accounts are event allowed to sell textbooks, so why do they see me as such a big threat. Amazon has some pretty advanced algorithms, and I'm sure that I triggered every part of the algorithm that screams scammer.

God has a plan for all of us, and if selling on Amazon isn't in the books so be it. I'll still be here for the Amazon community. And let's be real, I'll be back one day.

If you want to help, send this blog to with a personal message.

Much love,

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